The Pendulum Bridge to Infinite Knowing
by Dale W. Olson
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PENDULUM Bridge to Infinite Knowing
New! Upgraded with 25 Full Size Pendulum Charts
by Dale W. Olson
ISBN #978-1-8790246-096 180 pages
Quality perfect bound soft cover book
Beginning to Advanced Pendulum Instructions and
Pendulum Divination Charts Instructions
The Pendulum Bridge to Infinite Knowing with the Pendulum Charts: learn how to use a pendulum and how to use pendulum charts accurately for intuitive problem solving, intuitive decision making, and intuitive readings training.
Learn how to access your intuitive problem solving and intuitive decision making skills for intuitive readings training with: health solutions and intuitive healing; questions and solutions with relationship issues and compatibility; money issues; pets health; life changes with location-career-house; intuitive decision making in business…intuitive solutions for all of life’s challenges.
This pendulum dowsing instructions book and the pendulum charts provide a very safe, practical, and effective foundation for developing your intuitive problem solving and decision making skills.
~ See below for full Table of Contents ~

Learning how to access your whole brain's potential will allow you to tap into infinite information, knowledge, and wisdom.
Using these pendulum divination techniques with the intuition is a skill that you can easily learn and develop.
Learn how to develop a good foundation and accurately use your intuition with hundreds of pendulum divination techniques, applications and the pendulum charts for all aspects of everyday decision-making and intuitive problem-solving.
• Develop accurate and practical decision-making skills
• Experience increased self awareness, self-help skills, and well-being.
Allow your intuition to bring forth intuitive answers and intuitive solutions
to help you and others make better choices and decisions…
Solutions for all of life’s challenges, issues, causes, with
your Body, Mind, Heart, and Spirit.
Intuitive dowsing: the right foods, diet, vitamins, minerals, supplements,
remedies, careers, teachers, doctors, therapists, locations
to live, the right house, car, job, where to go from here...
Intuitive dowsing: lost objects, missing people or pets, buried treasure,
valuables, gold, underground water, minerals, oil...
Intuitive dowsing: the best business decisions, consumer choices, career
moves, food and water purity test, house inventory & analysis,
auto diagnostics...
Divine the complete analysis of the physical, mental, emotional
and etheric bodies of yourself and others, including origin and
cause of disorder with human, plant or animal...
Table of Contents
NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR ......................................1
INTRODUCTION ..............................................4
Chapter 1
THE SCIENCE AND ART OF THE PENDULUM .......................7
The Brain—The Intuition ...................................8
The Pendulum ..............................................10
Pendulum Types ............................................11
Ways of the Pendulum ......................................12
Choosing a Pendulum .......................................13
Chapter 2
PENDULUM LANGUAGE ........................................ 15
Pendulum Attunement & Language Development ................16
Pendulum Language Techniques ...............................17
Developing Your Pendulum Language ..........................17
Number Priority ............................................23
Alphabet Mode ..............................................24
Pendulum Language for Checking Objects .....................24
Chapter 3
HOW DOWSING WORKS ......................................... 31
Communication Skills—Forming Questions .....................32
Subtle-Sensing .............................................37
New Communication ..........................................38
Mind Preparation ...........................................39
Chapter 4
EMOTIONAL AND MENTAL INTERFERENCE ..........................41
Successful Dowsing Form ....................................44
Chapter 5
MASTERY OF THE BREATH ......................................45
First Breath Technique for Emotional and Mental Balance.....47
To use the breath in this first release method: ............47
Second Breath Technique for Balancing and Meditation........48
Micro & Pulsed Breath.......................................49
Micro-Breath Technique .....................................50
The Pulsed Breath............................................51
Clearing and Balancing Technique ............................51
To Clear ....................................................52
Chapter 6
PENDULUM APPLICATIONS .......................................53
Finding Direction Method ....................................54
Locating Find Points.........................................56
Defining Depth ..............................................57
Pendulum Applications .......................................58
Finding Water Practice ......................................60
Calibrating the Mind with the Intuition .....................63
Food ........................................................63
Quantity & Time .............................................66
Analysis of the Body ........................................67
Animals .....................................................69
Agricultural ................................................70
Automobile ..................................................71
Hazard Detection ............................................73
Business ....................................................77
Treasure ....................................................79
Chapter 7
PENDULUM CHARTS ..............................................81
Master Chart ................................................ 82
Pendulum Language Chart (1) ..................................83
Yes/No • Percentage/Probability Chart (2) ....................83
Alphabet-Numerical Chart (3) .................................84
Time Factor Chart (4) ........................................84
Quantity Factor Chart (5) ....................................85
Vitamin Chart (6) ............................................85
Minerals & Elements Chart (7) ................................86
Tissue Salts Chart (8) .......................................87
Food Supplement Chart (9) ....................................87
Nutrition & Food Allergies Chart (10) ........................88
Systems of the Body Chart (11) ...............................88
Glandular (Endocrine) System Chart (12) ......................89
Condition Chart (13) .........................................89
Source of Condition Chart (14) ...............................90
Origin of the Dis-ease Chart (15) ............................90
Healing Remedies (16) .........................................91
Chakra System Chart (17) ......................................91
Personal Motivators Chart (18) ................................92
Relationship Compatibility Chart (19) .........................93
Metals – Metal Toxicity Chart (20) ............................95
Light & Color Therapy Chart (21) ..............................95
Directions-Degrees-Depth Chart (22) ...........................96
Plant-Soil Chart (23) .........................................98
Blank Charts ..................................................98
Volume I: Chart List ..........................................99
Chapter 8
DISTANT & MAP DOWSING .........................................101
Thought Forms .................................................102
Distant Dowsing Preparation ...................................106
Topographical Map with Quadrant Grid Pattern ..................106
Problem Solving—House .........................................109
House Inventory ...............................................110
Dowsing Photographs ...........................................114
Locating Loved Ones ...........................................115
Missing Person Search .........................................116
Chapter 9
CHALLENGES TO SUCCESSFUL FORM .................................119
Dowsing Inventory of Jeopardy Influences ......................120
Accessibility to the Intuition ................................123
Solutions .....................................................124
The Identification Keys: ......................................125
Errors Due to Procedure......................................................127
CONCLUSION ....................................................131
Master Chart
Pendulum Language Chart (1)
Yes/No • Percentage/Probability Chart (2)
Alphabet-Numerical Chart (3)
Time Factor Chart (4)
Quantity Factor Chart (5)
Vitamin Chart (6)
Minerals & Elements Chart (7)
Tissue Salts Chart (8)
Food Supplement Chart (9)
Nutrition & Food Allergies Chart (10)
Systems of the Body Chart (11)
Glandular (Endocrine) System Chart (12)
Condition Chart (13)
Source of Condition Chart (14)
Origin of the Dis-ease Chart (15)
Healing Remedies (16)
Chakra System Chart (17)
Personal Motivators Chart (18)
Relationship Compatibility Chart (19)
Metals – Metal Toxicity Chart (20)
Light & Color Therapy Chart (21)
Directions-Degrees-Depth Chart (22)
Plant-Soil Chart (23)
Blank Chart
BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................. 163
I have been working on developing my intuition for problem-solving health problems. Since I prefer natural health remedies, I felt I needed some direction. There are so many schools of thought, so many vitamins, herbs, etc. that I didn't know where to begin. After borrowing a friends pendulum charts, and using them with great results, I ordered my own set along with your "Bridge" book. I am experiencing much success and relief at finally knowing that all my answers are already within me. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
Holly"......Lewistown, MT USA
I have read your book "Bridge...." at least 20 times and hi-lited it with six colors on almost every page. This wealth of information has inspired me to collect 27 other pendulum books (some rare). But I still keep returning to "The Pendulum Bridge..." as it is the greatest of them all. Bar none, the finest pendulum and intuition book ever written. I am spreading the word about pendulum dowsing and ALWAYS tell folks to quit wasting time and go for "The Pendulum Bridge..." and quit wasting time with lukewarm info sources. When's the next Book? THANKS AGAIN!!!
Eugene, GA USA
Dale, keep up the good work! Dale's written the best set of pendulum divining books I have found. THANK YOU forever!!!
FASCINATING!, after reading your book, in 10 days I am using my pendulum in all aspects of my life successfully. I am hungry for more in depth knowledge, keep writing!
Farhat........Toronto, Canada
Allow your intuition to bring forth intuitive answers and intuitive solutions
to help you and others make better choices and decisions…
Solutionf for all of life’s challenges, issues, causes, with
your Body, Mind, Heart, and Spirit.
Start today on your path to Knowing Your Intuitive Mind and
Bridge the gap between your mind and your Intuition.