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Knowing Your Intuitive Mind by Dale W. Olson


Are you guessing your way through life and hoping for the best? If you are using the guessing or the trial-and error approach to life, you may be subjecting yourself to undue anxiety, possible loss of time or money, and in some cases traumatic experiences that could have been avoided. Remember, the best you can expect with the guessing approach is a 50/50% chance of success and, most likely, an elevated level of fear or stress.

We now live in a "buyer beware" market of both goods and services where it has become a necessity to develop a functional Intuitive ability that can accurately and effectively communicate with you as to what is and what is not going to be most beneficial for you. You can develop your Intuitive abilities to a level of 80-100% accuracy with everyday decision-making and problem-solving. Knowing your Intuitive mind is a skill you can learn.

Many researchers have shown us that we are, at present, using only 5-10% of our brains' capacities or potentials. It has been observed that it is the Intuition that allows us access to the other 90% of our potential: information, knowledge and wisdom. It may be time for you to learn how to consciously use your whole brain. The fact that you are reading this in Cyberspace already denotes that you are intelligent and have a well developed left brain. The right side of our brain holds the imagination, creativity, receptivity and home of the Intuition. It has been, for many, tremendously undervalued and in some cases totally ignored. The Intuition occurs in a part of the brain that has no language, which is why the Intuition can seem so elusive. Albert Einstein, who prized this non-rational aspect within himself said, "The really valuable thing is the Intuition," and wrote, "The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a leap in consciousness, call it Intuition or what you will, and the solution comes to you and you don't know how or why."

You already have the right or correct answers within you. The question is, do you have the software to access them? All of us already have a perfect Intuition, and we can learn to develop our communication skills with this aspect of ourselves in order to solve all kinds of problems, whether they are creative, emotional, intellectual or practical. We were all born with the abilities of knowing, and they manifest in many different forms and degrees. Using the Intuition is a skill that is not much different from learning how to walk or talk, taking some practice, patience, persistence and determination. You can do this, and it is user friendly.

Growth of the human mind is the greatest adventure on earth. I am often asked how I became involved in the development of intuitive skills. My personal experience spans over 22 years of Intuitive development with applications involving just about anything imaginable. One of the highlights in the development of my intuitive capacities happened over 16 years ago in the Bohemia Mountains of Oregon. This area is not only my favorite camping grounds, but is a region with rich history of gold mining dating back to the Conquistadors. During the Gold Rush era of the early 1900's, 5,000 miners, including many Chinese, swarmed up and down the canyons of the Bohemia Mountains. With nothing more than desire, a set of dowsing rods, a pendulum, and a belief that I too would find gold, I set out to test my intuitive abilities. At the time, I knew absolutely nothing about prospecting, mineralogy, or geology. To shorten a long and adventurous story, by the end of that summer, I had established two hard-rock mining claims and seven placer mining claims amounting to about 180 acres worth of mining operations. I had located not only nugget gold in the river beds, but also gold-bearing quartz veins. Also, I had learned a great deal about prospecting, mineralogy, mining, and geology. The tools of my intuition were dreams, subtle sensing, the pendulum, and dowsing rods that showed me the "Where". My dreams had shown me the idea of mining, and the general area to start. The pendulum assisted me in finding the specific area, depth, and potential amount of gold bearing ore. The dowsing rods indicated the exact point to start digging. Yet, it was persistence, determination, and trust that helped me find what I needed to know. I had fulfilled my desire for an adventure, and found I could successfully use my intuitive capacities to find gold.

During my adventure I learned significant lessons around illusion and visions of grandeur. The incredibly hard work helped to put the deluding effects of gold fever into proper perspective. I never knew there could be so many forms of iron pyrite (fools gold). As they say, "Not everything that glitters is gold"; a very valuable lesson to keep in mind when making choices that will have long range impact on your life. I did end up with assay reports indicating beyond any question that I had found gold-and silver-bearing ore of a sizable amount, but not of a high enough grade to warrant the exorbitant cost of setting up a mining and milling operation, therefore making the operation financially impractical. At that time, my desire said to go for further exploration, but my intuition was telling me to stop. This great adventure in reality was one of the most dangerous things that I could be doing with my life; working with high explosives, close calls with cave-ins, breathing in quartz dust (which is worse than asbestos), and other dangers. And so my mining operation came to an end out of choice.

The intuition can be a good indicator of when you are getting away from your chosen life's direction for too long, or when you are subjecting yourself to risk that is not for your highest benefit. It took a great deal of strength to put aside my invested interest, desire and visions of grandeur to listen to that small inner voice of my intuition saying "That was a great adventure that you will never forget, and you found what you were looking for". "Now its time to get on with your life's work, and mining for a living is not part of it". "Oh well," I said, "My success is that I have proof that we can use our intuition to learn about something that we have no prior knowledge of, and secondly, we are able to fine tune our capacities to detect the subtle energies of metals such as gold and silver that may be 50' to 150' below the surface of the ground." Now that is quite mind expanding. I didn't fulfill my visions of grandeur or great financial riches. However, it was a rewarding period in the development of my intuition and I will always have fond memories of a grand adventure that made the whole experience very rich.

My advanced work with the intuition as it pertains to the health care profession, have been inspired by Doctors Rudy Zupancic, Benoytosh Bhattacharyya, and Marcel Vogel. After working with Rudy Zupancic for years in his healing practice, I learned effective ways of using muscle testing (Applied Biokinesiology) as an accurate means to intuitively communicate with the client to access the source or causation of the symptoms, dis-ease, or dis-order.

From Benoytosh Bhattacharyya, I learned that it is possible to diagnose and treat an individual with a dis-order or dis-ease from long distance.

Dr. Marcel Vogel is truly one of the great scientists, inventors and teachers of our times. His work will be reflected in much of the content of this book, the keys being proper use of breath, an open heart and mind, and positive mental-emotional thoughts to bring about health, happiness and harmony in one's life.

After having spent years working with and duplicating their results, I have learned how to use the pendulum, muscle testing, and dowsing rods for advanced forms of multi-dimensional diagnostics of the human body through the use of the intuition. What this means, simply, is that within every human body there is an innate knowledge of everything that is going on within the body, from a complete analysis of the vitamin and mineral content, to deficiencies of any kind, to the exact location and source of all dis-ease. Whether the questioning be of a physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual nature, it is only a matter of the information being available for access to the conscious mind. All information about ourselves is available to us when we learn the art of fine tuning with subtle sensing and our developed intuition.

Doctors Zupancic, Bhattacharyya, Vogel, the author and many others agree that there are four main facets of the human "being:" the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual, and that all these aspects of ourselves and others can be accurately and completely accessed through the Intuition. The magnitude of this work is incredible, and it is definitely worth one's time and determination to become proficient in developing the expanded skills of the mind the Intuition. Through the development of your Intuition, you will find a ten-fold increase in the quality of your life, resulting in greater fulfillment of your mind's potential and an increase in your personal awareness and self-worth. A developed Intuition can save time and money, and prevent many of the unnecessary tribulations suffered by those who choose the trial-and-error approach to life. This savings in time and accuracy in problem solving allows for an increase in your health, wealth and the pursuit of your dreams.

Chapter 1 Knowingness
We have all read books or heard talks about our "knowingness" or our intuitive mind. Throughout this book we will be discussing what the intuition is, how it functions (through the use of examples), and how to develop our communication between the various aspects of our mind.

There have been many names and categories attributed to the expanded capacities of the mind, such as the Intuition, Sixth Sense, Knowing Mind, Psychic Mind, Infinite Intelligence, or additional categories such as Knowing, Trance State, Universal Mind, Super-Conscious Mind, or Creative Imagination. All of these categories are basically synonymous in that they come through the same subconscious and conscious interpreting channels of the mind. The source of these expanded states of consciousness can simply be looked upon as the Infinite God life-force that dwells in all life.

Defining the Intuition in a literal context, with our limited language, is like trying to explain God. There is so much more on both ends of the spectrum that we don't physically see.

The author regards accessing the intuition as the ability to have a library card to the big library in the sky, comprised of "all love, all light, all wisdom, and all knowledge of all that is, all that ever was, and all that will ever be." The intuition is the "doorway" through to the Infinite Intelligence, super-conscious mind, the universal mind, and for some, access to the Akashic records. For the sake of simplicity, the source of these many categories can be looked upon as greater and lesser degrees of expanded life experiences with the source, again, being the infinite God lifeforce that dwells in all life. It is the common denominator that rings true in all religions or belief systems. This may be a oversimplification of what the humans on this planet have attempted to define all throughout history. It seems best left to each individual to come to terms with the meaning and definition of the Infinite God life-force that dwells in all life.

The remaining question seems to be, "How do we consciously access, develop, and use the intuitive mind"? How do we apply the ability to use our intuition in a tangible and practical form? Throughout this book the author will answer these questions by discussing many easy-to-apply techniques for using the Intuition in a very practical manner. The Intuition is comprised of the following eight aspects and attributes.

The Eight Elements of the Intuition are:
• Ask the Infinite part of your being to assist you in your Knowingness.
• Balance the mental and emotional mind.
• Intention of your purpose and direction of questioning with clarity.
• Attention to the recognition of your intuitive experiences.
• Response to your intuitive experiences immediately.
• Trust in your intuitive abilities.
• Persistence and Determination with Practice.
• Believe your Infinite Intelligence.

There are many ways to access the intuition which have greater or lesser degrees of effectiveness or accuracy. The key is to try many ways, and to find one or more methods that are comfortable for you. This probably comes down to which form or tool your belief system allows you to trust. As your personal growth process develops, you may find yourself starting out with one technique for accessing the intuition, only to later switch to another technique that may be faster, more effective, or more complete.

In this book we will explore useful, fun, and powerful ways to use most of the intuitive tools in a very tangible and effective manner. We suggest that you add your own unique qualities to make these techniques work more effectively for you. To begin with, we will cover the more familiar methods of working with your Intuition. As we go along, we will assist you in expanding not only your understanding, but also the potential uses of your Intuition.

Read the whole story, instructions, and techniques in
Knowing Your Intuitive Mind by Dale W. Olson

Table of Contents Part I
Introduction (pg.7)

Chapter 1
Knowingness (pg.11)
▪ (Intuitive categories, source of the intuition)
▪ The Eight Elements of the Intuition (pg.12)

Chapter 2
How Intuition Works
▪ Resistance to Development (pg.15)
▪ (Past research, technology, subjective & objective testing)
▪ Knowing When It's Your Intuitive Mind (pg.18)
▪ (Gut feelings, chance encounters, Synchronicity)

Part II Understanding Your Intuition

Chapter 3
Energy, the Brain & the Intuition
▪ Energy-the Source (pg.25)
▪ (Primary, innate intelligence)
▪ Where the Intuition Resides: The Brain (pg.27)
▪ Iintention, concentration, intuition software, non-verbal communications, children, animals)
▪ Communication's Site (pg.31)
▪ (right and left brain, focused attention)

Chapter 4
Developing the Intuition
▪ Conscious-Subconscious Mind (pg.35)
▪ (Thought-form creation, subconscious interface, origin, hunches, inspirations)
▪ Inhibitors and Developers of Awareness (pg.36)
▪ (Mind mastery, subconscious influence, negative/positive thoughts)
▪ Positive Subconscious Expansion (pg.39)
▪ (Emotions, habit, patience, persistence, conscious mind (words, thoughts, environment))
▪ Creating a Positive Mind (pg.41)
▪ (What you think, speak, affirmations)

Chapter 5
Emotional and Mental Balance (pg.45)
▪ (Filters)
▪ Intellect-Ego (pg.45)
▪ (Intuitive inhibitor, no doubt)
▪ Creative Imagination with Emotions (pg.48)
▪ (Imagery mixed with emotions, trust/faith)
▪ The Seven Major Negative Emotions (pg.50)
▪ The Seven Major Positive Emotions (pg.50)
▪ Energize Your Intuitive Mind for Creative Effort (pg.51)
▪ (Stress, tension, environment setting, questions, clear/specific, solitude, practice, deep relaxation & meditation, natural setting, music, desire to know, expanded communications)

Chapter 6
Mastery of the Breath (pg.57)
▪ (Centering, emotional-mental balance, cleansing, release/neutralize negative imprints)
▪ Micro-Breath Technique (pg.61)
▪ (Opening all channels, protection)
▪ Pulsed Breath (pg.63)
▪ Clearing and Balancing Breath Technique (pg.64)

Part III Development of the Intuition

Chapter 7
Tools for Knowing Your Intuitive Mind (pg.65)
▪ (types of tools)
▪ Dreams (pg.66)
▪ Recording Your Dreams (pg.69)
▪ Interpreting Your Dreams (pg.71)
▪ Directing Your Dreams (pg.73)
▪ Creative Imagination (pg.75)
▪ (Day dreaming, reality, visualization, limitation)
▪ Synthetic/Creative Imagination (pg.78)
▪ (Knowledge, invention, genius)
▪ Consciously Using Your Creative Imagination (pg.80)
▪ (First impressions)
▪ Creative Imagination Technique (pg.80)
▪ Secrets of Effective Prayer (pg.82)
▪ (Subtle-sensing technique, feel beyond)
▪ Three Steps Beyond With Subtle Sensing (pg.84)
▪ First Impressions (pg.86)
▪ Beyond Your Feeling Hands (pg.87)
▪ (Knowing how to feel everything)
▪ Three Card Subtle-Sensing Technique (pg.93)

Chapter 8
The Science and the Art of the Pendulum (pg.95)
▪ The Pendulum (pg.96)
▪ Your approach to the pendulum (pg.97)
▪ Pendulum Language (pg.99)
▪ Pendulum Language with checking objects (pg.103)
▪ Effective Pendulum Use (pg.104)
▪ (Accuracy deterrents, objectivity, communications)
▪ Ways to Use the Pendulum (pg.107)
▪ (Self test, accuracy test, sensitivity test)
▪ Pendulum Applications (pg.109)
▪ (Water, food, time & quantity, body analysis, fertility cycle, sex determination, animals, agricultural, automobiles, harmful radiations, directions, business decisions)

Chapter 9
Using Dowsing Rods (pg.125)
▪ (Component parts, measuring)
▪ Dowsing Rod Instructions (pg.127)
▪ (Prerequisites, movement, breath, response)
▪ The Subdivision Dowsing Technique (pg.131)
▪ L-Rod Applications Find (pg.133)
▪ (Power, water, gas lines, gold, detecting harmful radiations (microwave, TV, power lines))
▪ Auric Field Reading (pg.139)
▪ Food & Substance Test (pg.142)
▪ Chakra Reading (pg.143)
▪ Chakra & Mirrors (measuring yourself) (pg.147)

Chapter 10
Muscle Testing: Applied Biokinesiology (pg.149)
▪ Instruction (pg.152)
▪ Witness Area (pg.156)
▪ What Can Effect Your Test Results (pg.158)
▪ Muscle Testing Guidelines (pg.159)

Part IV Practice for Using the Intuition

Chapter 11
Get Intuit (pg.161)
▪ (Change process, choices)
▪ Keys to Expanding the Intuition (pg.162)
▪ (attention, intention, trust, practice, persistence, belief, what you believe will be)
▪ The Eight Elements of the Intuition (pg.163)
▪ Creator of Change (pg.163)
▪ (problem solving, strategies, growing, learning, celebration)
▪ Genius Capacity (pg.165)
▪ (calm, confident, expectant faith, concentrated single minded, flexible/adaptable, there are always solutions)

Conclusion (pg.169)

Bibliography (pg.174)

Read the whole story, instructions, and techniques in
Knowing Your Intuitive Mind by Dale W. Olson


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