Knowing Your Intuitive Mind
by Dale W. Olson
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KNOWING Your Intuitive Mind
by Dale W. Olson
ISBN # 1-8790246-007 Pages 180
This is a high grade paper stock, printing,
perfect bound soft cover book.
KNOWING Your Intuitive Mind is an intuitive guidebook for learning all the ways to accessing your intuition.
Learn how to develop your intuitive abilities from beginning to advanced levels.
This intuitive guidebook reveals hundreds of practical applications and techniques for learning intuitive problem-solving and intuitive decision-making with health, relationships, pets, career, location, money, business, house, car.. all parts of life’s challenges.
Learn how you can develop your intuitive abilities using:
First Impressions • Hunches • Gut Feelings • Synchronicity
Pendulums • Chance Encounters • Dreams • Subtle-Sensing
Muscle Testing • Creative Imagination • Dowsing rods
KNOWING Your Intuitive Mind will guide you safely and effectively in learning how to develop your intuitive skills.
Allow your intuition to bring forth intuitive answers and intuitive solutions to help you and others make better choices and decisions…addresses all of life’s challenges, issues, causes, and solutions for the Body, Mind, Heart, and Spirit.

From our readers and reviews:
I found KNOWING Your Intuitive Mind interesting, informative and very practical.
In a very clear manner, author Dale Olson presents a well-balanced self-help book
I heartily recommend this powerful book.
.......Martha K. Dane, Ph.D........Better World Magazine
I have Greatly enjoyed your books. Your insights into the intuition has been life changing for me.
.......Duane S., AZ. USA
Keep up the good work. Dale's written the best set of books on developing
the intuition that I have found. THANK YOU forever!!!
Knowing Your Intuitive Mind is one of those rare inspirational gems.
This is an excellently written book full of new approaches and wonderful
guidebooks with developing a more intuitive life.
.......Michael Peter Langevin.......Magical Blend Magazine
Knowing Your Intuitive Mind: Table of Contents
Part II Understanding Your Intuition
(hunches, inspirations, communications, children, animals)
mind (words, thoughts, environment)
solitude, practice, deep relaxation & meditation, natural setting, music, desire to know, expanded communications, release/neutralize negative imprints.
Part III Development of the Intuition
First Impressions
Chance Encounters
Muscle-Testing (Biokinesiology)
Creative Imagination
Dowsing Rods
Chapter 1
Knowingness (pg.11)
(Intuitive categories, source of the intuition)
The Eight Elements of the Intuition (pg.12)
Chapter 2
How Intuition Works
Resistance to Development (pg.15)
(Past research, technology, subjective & objective testing)
Knowing When It's Your Intuitive Mind (pg.18)
(Gut feelings, chance encounters, Synchronicity)
Chapter 3
Energy, the Brain & the Intuition
Energy-the Source (pg.25)
(Primary, innate intelligence)
Where the Intuition Resides: The Brain (pg.27)
Iintention, concentration, intuition software, non-verbal
Communication's Site (pg.31)
(right and left brain, focused attention)
Chapter 4
Developing the Intuition
Conscious-Subconscious Mind (pg.35)
(Thought-form creation, subconscious interface, origin,
Inhibitors and Developers of Awareness (pg.36)
(Mind mastery, subconscious influence, negative/positive
Positive Subconscious Expansion (pg.39)
(Emotions, habit, patience, persistence, conscious
(What you think, speak, affirmations)
Chapter 5
Emotional and Mental Ballance (pg.45)
Intellect-Ego (pg.45)
(Intuitive inhibitor, no doubt)
Creative Imagination with Emotions (pg.48)
(Imagery mixed with emotions, trust/faith)
The Seven Major Negative Emotions (pg.50)
The Seven Major Positive Emotions (pg.50)
Energize Your Intuitive Mind for Creative Effort (pg.51)
(Stress, tension, environment setting, questions, clear/specific,
Chapter 6
Mastery of the Breath (pg.57)
(Centering, emotional-mental balance, cleansing,
Micro-Breath Technique (pg.61)
(Opening all channels, protection)
Pulsed Breath (pg.63)
Clearing and Balancing Breath Technique (pg.64)
Chapter 7
Tools for Knowing Your Intuitive Mind (pg.65)
(types of tools)
Dreams (pg.66)
Recording Your Dreams (pg.69)
Interpreting Your Dreams (pg.71)
Directing Your Dreams (pg.73)
Creative Imagination (pg.75)
(Day dreaming, reality, visualization, limitation)
Synthetic/Creative Imagination (pg.78)
(Knowledge, invention, genius)
Consciously Using Your Creative Imagination (pg.80)
(First impressions)
Creative Imagination Technique (pg.80)
Secrets of Effective Prayer (pg.82)
(Subtle-sensing technique, feel beyond)
Three Steps Beyond With Subtle Sensing (pg.84)
First Impressions (pg.86)
Beyond Your Feeling Hands (pg.87)
(Knowing how to feel everything)
Three Card Subtle-Sensing Technique (pg.93)
Chapter 8
The Science and the Art of the Pendulum (pg.95)
The Pendulum (pg.96)
Your approach to the pendulum (pg.97)
Pendulum Language (pg.99)
Pendulum Language with checking objects (pg.103)
Effective Pendulum Use (pg.104)
(Accuracy deterrents, objectivity, communications)
Ways to Use the Pendulum (pg.107)
(Self test, accuracy test, sensitivity test)
Pendulum Applications (pg.109)
(Water, food, time & quantity, body analysis, fertility cycle,
Chapter 9
Using Dowsing Rods (pg.125)
(Component parts, measuring)
Dowsing Rod Instructions (pg.127)
(Prerequisites, movement, breath, response)
The Subdivision Dowsing Technique (pg.131)
L-Rod Applications Find (pg.133)
(Power, water, gas lines, gold, detecting harmful radiations
Auric Field Reading (pg.139)
Food & Substance Test (pg.142)
Chakra Reading (pg.143)
Chakra & Mirrors (measuring yourself) (pg.147)
Chapter 10
Muscle Testing: Applied Biokinesiology (pg.149)
Instruction (pg.152)
Witness Area (pg.156)
What Can Effect Your Test Results (pg.158)
Muscle Testing Guidelines (pg.159)
Chapter 11
Get Intuit (pg.161)
(Change process, choices)
Keys to Expanding the Intuition (pg.162)
(attention, intention, trust, practice, persistence, belief,
The Eight Elements of the Intuition (pg.163)
Creator of Change (pg.163)
(problem solving, strategies, growing, learning, celebration)
Genius Capacity (pg.165)
(calm, confident, expectant faith, concentrated single minded,
And much Much more!
Auric Field Reading (pg.139)
Food & Substance Test (pg.142)
Chakra Reading (pg.143)
Chakra & Mirrors (measuring yourself) (pg.147)
Chapter 10
Muscle Testing: Applied Biokinesiology (pg.149)
Instruction (pg.152)
Witness Area (pg.156)
What Can Effect Your Test Results (pg.158)
Muscle Testing Guidelines (pg.159)
Chapter 11
Get Intuit (pg.161)
(Change process, choices)
Keys to Expanding the Intuition (pg.162)
(attention, intention, trust, practice, persistence, belief,
The Eight Elements of the Intuition (pg.163)
Creator of Change (pg.163)
(problem solving, strategies, growing, learning, celebration)
Genius Capacity (pg.165)
(calm, confident, expectant faith, concentrated single minded,
And much Much more!
Allow your intuition to bring forth intuitive answers and intuitive solutions to help you and others make better choices and decisions…addresses all of life’s challenges, issues, causes, and solutions for the Body, Mind, Heart, and Spirit.
Start today on your path to Knowing Your Intuitive Mind.