We all have the ability to access our intuitive capacities by leaning how to use a pendulum and pendulum charts. Learning to use a pendulum is like learning any other skill. It requires time, determination, trust, balance and persistent practice. Given this, success can be expected. Every object, animate or inanimate, gives off energetic radiation, and our expanded senses can feel and measure these energies. Our intuitive, or super-conscious mind is the recipient of this information when we bridge the mind and the intuition.
The pendulum is only a communication device between the conscious and the subconscious mind or intuition. The pendulum itself does not gives you answers. It is nothing more than an object to give you the means or language to make conscious the Intuition. Successful use of a pendulum is a matter of establishing a clear, precise and consistent language between the two parts of the mind. The subconscious mind takes all communications literally. It takes time for the subconscious to understand what is expected of it and respond accordingly. It is necessary to approach the pendulum with enthusiasm, optimism and the confidence that you are able to use it. It is an incredible skill that can allow you access to information, knowledge and wisdom beyond all limitations.
It is highly recommended that you refer to the books Knowing Your Intuitive Mind and The PENDULUM Bridge to Infinite KNOWING by Dale Olson for greater details on how to use a pendulum; how have a solid skill foundation; how to form and flow your questions, and the many dynamic ways that this Pendulum Chart system can be used.
Health and healing with the right:
Foods, remedies, vitamins, minerals, diet, nutritional supplements, amino acids, tissue salts, anti-oxidants, enzymes, flower essences, herbs...
Probability of success for personal, career, business or consumer decisions, lost objects, water, land, house, locations, directions...
Determine: allergies, origin of dysfunction, infections, parasites, teeth-mouth health, cancer prevention, cancer reversal, immune system health, chronic fatigue, relationship compatibility, personal motivators, family lineage, what is going on, who is involved, what am I telling myself, how to change my life, healing remedies, source of condition, chakras, health, healing, and well-being...
Analysis: body, mind, spirit, plant/soil, house inventory, automobile diagnosis, business decisions...
Free Pendulum Charts
Master Chart (Right Click on photo to download)

Alphabet-Numerical (Right Click on photo to download)

Yes/No - Percentage Chart (Right Click on photo to download)

See below for a listing and preview of all
the Pendulum Charts by Dale W. Olson
- All of the Pendulum Charts can be purchased
in the eBook or hardcopy version
Quality Factor
Time Factor
Vitamins Chart
Essential & Trace Minerals
Amino Acids
Tissue Salts
Food Supplements
pH Acid/Alkaline
Enzymes for Digestion
Herbal Remedies I
Herbal Remedies II
Herbal Remedies III
Flower Essence Remedies I
Flower Essence Remedies II
Nutrition & Food Allergies
Allergies/Adverse Effects
Infections Charts
Parasites Charts
Teeth/Mouth Chart
Metals/Metal Toxicity
Condition Chart
Source of Condition
Glandular (Endocrine) System
Systems of the Body
Chronic Fatigue
Immune System
Cancer Prevention
Cancer Reversal-Healing
Origin of the Dis-ease/Dysfunction
Healing Remedies
Relationship Compatibility
Personal Motivators
What Is Going On
Who Is Involved
Family Lineage
What Am I Telling Myself
How to Change My life
Chakra Measurement
Light/Color Therapy
Crystals & Gemstones
Plant-Soil Analysis
Automobile Diagnosis
House Inventory
Business Decisions/Analysis
Blank Pendulum Chart